This is a preliminary schedule of events for the conference. Details will be added once presenters have been finalized.
All times are in EDT (UTC-4). Talks are 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions. Poster sessions are 50 minutes long, with flash talks for the first 30 minutes and then 20 minutes for questions.
Friday, April 23, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Ice Cream Social, in-person in 106 Morrill Hall
Saturday, April 24, 2022
Talk Session 1: 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
10:10 AM
Gender and Sound Change: An Evaluation of Stevens, Harrington, and Schiel (2019) /s/- retraction in English
Jonathan WuWong, The University of Chicago
10:35 AM
The effect of social information on vowel perception
Andy Kim, Cornell University
11:00 AM
How does the World Englishes paradigm influence convergence rates in speakers of Midwestern English? An Experimental Analysis
Elliot Stork, Carleton College
11:25 AM
Probabilistic Listener: A Case of Reflexive ziji "self" Ambiguity Resolution in Mandarin
Fengyue Zhao, University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Talk Session 2: 12:05 PM - 1:45 PM
12:05 PM
Examining the Perceived Meaning of African American English Dialect Aspectual Markers
Dan DeGenaro, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
12:30 PM
Discourse Markers in Gujarati: the usage of to
Aashna Brahmbhatt, Cornell University
12:55 PM
Quantities and Intensifiers in the Pekigbe dialect of Ewe
Joshua Rivera, New York University
Poster Session 1: 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM
Stigmatic speech and sex industry participants
Kate Kinniard, The Ohio State University
Interaction of Gender Assignment Rules in Spanish-English Bilingual Speech
Ashlyn Winship, New York University
Translating Lio Kinship Terms and Their Social Function
Arwen Canino Fluit, SUNY Stony Brook
The Interpretation of Unexpected Redundancy in Communicative Interaction
Sophie Faircloth and Inthat Boonpongmanee, University of Pennsylvania
Ukrainian Language Politics in the Context of War
Chandini White, Ohio State University
Emotional Intensity Lexicons for Event-Based Corpora
Anna Prince, Georgetown University
Examining the presence of distractors in the acquisition of comparative quantifiers
KD Dretler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"This way kids": the roles of locativity in Korean queer identity construction
Shea Husband, Macalester College
3:50 PM - 5:00PM Keynote Talk
Tones: Where are they coming from?
Professor Kristine Yu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Sunday, April 25, 2022
Talk Session 1: 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
10:10 AM
Cre8n Txt: Generativity in Textese
Matthew Angel, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
10:35 AM
Applicability of Lexicostastically Informed Phylogenies to Proto-Bantu *j
Kai Schenck, University of Rochester
11:00 AM
Extreme Locality Applied Globally: The Case for Extreme Locality in Malagasy
Tate Russell, Carleton College
11:25 AM
Object Marker Doubling in Ikalanga
Mady Colantes, Pomona College
Talk Session 2: 12:05 PM - 1:20 PM
12:05 PM
Complementizer Selection by Japanese Verbs
Yuzhou Yan, McGill University
12:30 PM
On the Polysemy of the Valency-Changing Suffix |+γi-| in Central Alaskan Yupik
Juan Cancel, Cornell University
12:55 PM
Non-Active Voice in Mandarin Chinese
Shangyan (Katherine) Pan, Bucknell University
Poster Session 1: 2:20 PM - 3:10 PM
Centralization and Raising in Maay Maay Vowels
Peyton Cameron and Aline Cunia, Syracuse University
Emotions and the Body in Twi
Sylvia Cohen, Western Washington University
Referential Contrast Effect in Definite Modified Noun Phrases with Color Adjectives
Silas Brainard, Cornell University
Cancelling and Clout Chasing: An Analysis of Online Shaming Practices and Their Consequences
Diya Chatterjee, New York University
Goin' Through Changes: The Formality of Speech Patterns When Discussing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Alexis Behnke, Michigan State University
Serial Verb Constructions in Lio
Thomas J. Conway, SUNY Stony Brook University
Implications of metalinguistics awareness on early childhood word-referent mapping
Zinan Yang, Macalester College